Thursday, June 6, 2013

winging it

One of the things I love about Colorado weather is that it changes...often. A few days ago it was hot and sunny...clear skies. Yesterday brought with it thick clouds and thunderstorms. Today is gloomy and cool. 

I planted some vegetables in the small garden out front. Trying to squeeze as much as possible into the space. It looks like a plant mosaic. Some things are growing quite well. The rose bush appears to be have been given a spot ideal for it to flourish. The lavender, not so much. 

Which is fine. I'm an experimental wing-it type of gardener. A whole section of my yard got overrun with Yarrow so I decided to let it have its way. In the fall I'll just harvest it all and become experimental wing-it herbal lady.

When I'm trying something new I generally dive on in. Some months back, a friend and I were discussing how to make those felted dryer balls. Mine never actually got used as dryer balls. I think she might still be using hers. First I made one with a flower and then I considered making all the planets. It sounded fun to toss them all into the black hole that is my dryer. I haven't completely abandoned the idea yet...but it evolved, and I decided to go miniature. I made a variable ton of the little guys. I have an odd addiction to pulling them out of the dryer to see them all soft and cozy and felted. So now what? Smallest dryer balls ever...or...

Fuschua Mushroom Pendant Necklace
by Lady Lorien Designs on Etsy

They became my pendants. Voila! It's fun embroidering on them. 

It just occurred to me why I love gardening. Not because it makes my heart happy (although I'm discovering that happens naturally). It's something creative to do that sort of has a life of its own. Something I can invest in but watch it do its own thing. I feel no stress at all. And when it's thundering and starting to rain...well that's just plain heaven.


  1. I absolutely adore your garden. Love the mushroom guy...and love my mushroom pendant. Glad you went miniature. I can't imagine what a dryer size ball would look like around my neck!

  2. Haha...I'm imagining it. With earrings to match.
