Tuesday, June 4, 2013

the message of self-expression

     This morning my 9 year old son gave me a hand written note, as he very often does. Usually it's a short story of some kind, or to tell me how much he loves me. Today it read,
"I love you so much mom. You are the best mom even if you kidnapped me from my real mom but I believe you are my real mom."
So basically, to sum things up, I'm the best mom ever according to my son, who sounds mostly certain I didn't kidnap him. Come to think about it..........ha, just kidding. All you have to do is look at my kids. They're like mini mes. Except my 15 year old. I'm more like his mini me since he's pushing 6'2". 
     Each of them have a unique way of expressing themselves, be it the way they dress, the notes they write, or the stories they tell around the table. The art of living. What comes to the surface from what's going on within. I suppose this could be taken literally with my son's note. What's really going on there is that most of my children have a very playful, and one could argue dark, sense of humor. (I have been threatening them from a young age that I would sell them to pirates if they misbehaved. Which they quickly embraced as the most adventurous concept ever. Now I joke that I'm going to sell MYSELF to pirates and who would cook their meals and be the best mom ever if that happened?)
      My forms of expression quite possibly change on an hourly basis. Now I'm writing, now I'm sewing, now I'm crying, now I'm painting on a tattoo to cover up a blemish, now I'm playing my djembe, now I'm dancing, now I'm selling myself to pirates. See what I mean? All those things we do to express what's going on on the inside...is art. When it comes to making things to sell, it's really just an extension of who I am. One can see hints of an adventurous spirit here or there...maybe some melancholy or humor... I love seeing the artist in the art. I think we all do. I see it every time I look at the stars at night, and at a mushroom. Grandeur, and whimsy. 
     I love my son's note. He told me he said it because he wanted to make me laugh. Mission accomplished. Well done little artist.


  1. Love this Lorien!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  2. That is totally something he would say...
    I love the way you make it look like a forest in your pictures.

  3. "All those things we do to express what's going on on the inside...is art." Wow, thanks! You just painted me to be much more of an artist than I ever thought I was. I'm not a sewer (or a sewer) or a painter, a crafter, or even a gardener (though, someday I might become one of those...). But I do like to write, and sometimes express myself through cooking. You inspire me! :)
