Thursday, April 30, 2015


I love walking under apple trees in Spring...the falling petals transport my imagination to far away lands and magical worlds. Lilacs are in bloom now, invading the senses with their distinct perfume... 

This morning I walked to the coffee shop and meandered along the way. It was all I could do to make it a block without stopping to snap a picture: dandelions, trees, a raccoon garden statue, shadows...light. I couldn't help but think about all the beauty and detail. The smallest flower holds so much mystery in its delicacy. The sun piercing through blossoming boughs, casting rays. 

This intentional way of moving forward feeds my inspiration. It stirs my soul to find walk in truth...and thank God for fulfilling me. It's a thankfulness that transcends situation. If I focused on the struggle and challenges right now.....I would suffocate. Something bigger than everything is required. So while I amble along...I observe...and I am thankful...

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

look up

Pikes Peak is something I look at every day. We all people living in Colorado Springs. Visitors come from all over the world to drive to the top, or hike it, although that is less common. There are donuts up there. I'm pretty sure that has something to do with the allure. Donuts are hard to resist. Even if it means having to drive up a precariously steep and windy road to get to them. 

We live in the shadow of beautiful "Sun Mountain Sitting Big". That's what the Ute Indians referred to it as. In the mornings, when I go on walks, the rising sun shines all over the range and "for purple mountain majesties" bursts into my head. Often it remains there for some time. It's just one of those songs. 

Pikes Peak from my car.
I'm not sure many locals have been to the top. When I was living in Kauai, some of the people living on the north part of the island had never been to the southern part. Had not even explored from sea to shining sea. I find that concept fascinating. And yet at the same time, I somewhat get it. Not everyone feels the need to explore, or adventure. And sometimes life gets sneaky and sucks you in...but not in the good the 'oops how did I lose sight?' sense. 

We always have a choice. If there is one thing we do have, it is choice. Whether we make the right one of not, now that's an entirely different matter. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

larger than you...

Sometimes you cannot put all the pieces together…until the moment when it hits, and everything God has been working on, and in you, makes you ready to face it…to meet it… 

It is difficult to see light when all you feel is darkness, and sadness, and hopelessness. When you try and make sense of things enough to have something you can hold on to. 

Sooner or later you realize that all your understanding is incomplete.

 You can never know all the parts…like a tapestry. You are a thread…a beautifully woven thread in a larger picture, and only One who is greater is able to see… 

There is peace...when you can let go. And trust in something larger than what hits you...what breaks you...something larger than, you.

And the light comes shining in through the darkness. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

pause, dearest...

when you walk in peace, you have the capacity to look around and catch beauty...even in the midst of difficulty and craziness. 
it isn’t possible to really slow down all the time. so, what will be your intention? downshifting? thankfulness? strength? …love?
holding less tightly to unnecessary things…things that crowd the soul. making room for the things that fill, nourish: a cup of tea on the porch, a happenstance friend, a hand-written note, prayer, a divine appointment…

pause, dearest.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Beauty in the Mundane...

Beauty in the mundane. Something catches your eye and quietly speaks to your soul saying, 
'pay'll not want to miss this'... 
And miss it you will, if you aren't careful...intentional...

 A grocery store bouquet of daisies. A reminder of a soul sister. Kindred spirit. Warrior princess.

Every day there is beauty in the ordinary. Only ordinary because it is what is observed every day. 
But with an intentional pause, the ordinary, the mundane, becomes something else altogether.
The mundane becomes amazing. 

Just as it always is...if you have the eyes to see it...